Five Qualities of a Great Housekeeper

The house is a mess, and the kids can create a new mess faster than you can take care of the previous one. Your husband says he has a deadline at work and can’t help.

You are fed up. You want a clean house, but the truth of the matter is that you are too busy yourself. You dream of the clean and organized home you see in the magazines, you just can’t seem to pull it off yourself.

House Keeping Traits

Look For These Traits

It is time to hire someone in the Chicagoland areas with housekeeping skills who can do it for you. Look for these five traits in the help you hire, and the house will be clean in no time.

  1. Caring

The truth is you want to hire someone who will treat your home with the same care you would. They should be careful and meticulous around your belongings.

This is an important quality of a housekeeper. They are going to touch everything from your sheets to the antique vase from your grandma. You want someone who will be dedicated to working with care while they work through your home.

  1. Detail Oriented

Hiring a housekeeper who pays attention to details will mean you get the house looking the way you want it to look when they are done. It is that simple.

The cleaner should listen to your needs and be willing to take directions and execute it the way you want. If you want the baseboards cleaned or certain products used, they need to pay attention to these details.

The quality of service you get from your housekeeper will be connected to their ability to pay attention to the details. They need to not only know what needs to be done but also how to do it.

  1. Hardworking

This job is hard work. If it was easy or fast, you might be doing it yourself. You don’t want to hire someone who wants to come into your home to watch TV or socialize with you.

If you are paying someone to clean your house, you want a clean house from top to bottom. Hiring a professional who will put in the energy and effort to make your house clean is an important qualification for a housekeeper.

  1. Skilled at the Job

Professional housekeepers have skills. It is more than running a vacuum across the floor. People who do this professionally know the best products. They know how to get those pesky spots out of the laundry. They know how to get that oven clean. They have organizing skills.

If a housecleaner is a professional, they will also be licensed and have good references. These things will be part of the skills package they bring to the job.

  1. Trustworthy and Honest

This one is obvious. You don’t want to let someone in your home, your personal space, who is not trustworthy. They will be with your belongings and the things you treasure.

Hiring a person who you trust and who will maintain a level of professional behavior is important.

Housekeeping Skills to Consider When Hiring Help

You know you want to hire help. Having a clean house will be a dream. Think of all the extra time this will create in your life.

Hire a Chicago area cleaner who has these five housekeeping skills and you will never regret the decision.

Contact us today to get started with our cleaning services. Think about how nice it will be to walk into that clean house.